Kevin (Owner/Vice Captain)

A pure blood seadog has been a professional fisherman in the Yamba area for 40 years in a variety of commercial works such as Prawn Trawling, fish trapping, long lining & lobster trapping. Kev’s knowledge on the ocean is incredible. A family man at heart he’s put the effort into his son Frank to follow his love of the ocean.

Frank (Captain)

Born & bread Yamba boy, Frank is always in or on the water, whether its surfing or fishing, you’ll rarely see him away from it! Following his fathers footsteps he’s recently got licensed up with a Master class 5 & MED 2, he’s eager to skipper the Achiever & show his love & lifetime knowledge of the area!

Shane (Deckhand)

Shane, the master of all trades, has years of chartering experience working on several north coast charters. A great man with great jokes!